Learn Vedic Meditation for a happier life.

What is Vedic Meditation?

Vedic Mediation is an effortless letting go technique that anyone can practice. It requires no control, no concentration and no effort. After personal instruction you will be a self-sufficient ‘Professional Meditator’. Devote yourself to 20 minutes twice a day and relax and enjoy as it uplifts your life to a happier, more joyful, calm and love filled ride.

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Is it right for me?

If you can think, you can meditate! Thoughts are a part of this meditation and the practice works with the mind’s natural tendency to always be thinking. So if you’ve tried other types of meditation and given up because you can’t stop thinking… This is for you! Come along to a Free Intro Talk to learn more about why Vedic Meditation is right for you.

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How do I learn?

Instruction for Vedic Meditation is delivered over four consecutive days and you’ll be meditating comfortably and confidently from Day 1. Pop into a free 45 minute Intro Talk or dive right in and sign up for a course. Students can then attend free weekly group meditations for the rest of their lives as well as resit the course as often as they choose.

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“When you just sit in silence the wind blows through you, the sun shines in you and you realize you are not your body, you are everything.”